Tuesday, February 22, 2011

15 Applikasi OpenSource Pilihan ( Recommended )

Berikut OpenSource Pilihan buat anda sebagai referensi atau untuk mendownloadnya guna menambah koleksi software/applikasi yang sudah anda punyai saat ini .Ada banyak yang direkomendasikan misalnya Libreoffice, Scribus, The Gimp, Inkscape dan sebagainya

1. LibreOffice

LibreOffice 600x350 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows
LibreOffice is the opensource alternative for MS Office. With a user friendly and simple – to-use yet powerful interface and compatibility with all major file formats and files from MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint along with many other formats, the switch from MS office to LibreOffice is a good deal in hand for opensource users.

2. Scribus

scribus 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

With professional features such as CMYK color, spot color , separations, ICC color and robust commercial grade PDF, Scribus stands as a very good opensource alternative to its counterparts such as PageMaker and QuarkXpress. It is meant to bring professional page layout to Windows as well as to other operating systems like Linux/Unix, MacOS X and OS/2.

3. The GIMP

gimp 600x506 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program and can be used as opensource alternative to Photoshop in the Windows for various tasks such as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. GIMP features a great fullscreen mode allowing you to use most of the screen estate to edit and preview your works.

4. Inkscape

linkscape screenshot 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor which uses the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. It is different from GIMP in a sense that GIMP raster graphics editing features and Inkscape uses vector graphic editing features. Although it is a difficult job to use the vector graphics editor,with Inkscape, it is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and many more .

5. ClawsMail

clawsmail 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

ClawsMail is a GTK+ based, open source email and news client that is similar to Outlook Express in Windows. With the messages managed in the standard MH format , it provides fast access , strong data security and email import/export features.

6. VLC player

vlc player 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

VLC player is a cross-platform multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.

7. Virtual Box

virtualbox1 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

Virtual Box is a powerful opensource virtualization application for x86 and AMD64/Intel64 processor computers. It supports a large number of guest operating systems including Windows , DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris and OpenBSD. It is a very good opensource alternative toVMWARE in windows.

8. TrueCrypt

truecrypt1 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

TrueCrypt free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac and Linux that creates a virtual encrypted disk that can be mounted and unmounted only with the configured passphrase.

9. Calibre

calibre 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application with features such as E-book conversion, Syncing to e-book reader devices, downloading new from the web and converting it into e-book form, comprehensive e-book viewer and content server for online access to your book collection.

10. 7-Zip

7zip 600x331 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

7-Zip is an Open Source file archiver and manager with a high compression ratio in 7Z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression. It supports formats such as 7z, XZ,BZIP2,GZIP,TAR,ZIP and WIM for packing/unpacking and ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR and Z for unpacking only.

11. PDF Creator

pdfcreator 600x283 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

PDF Creator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program that can be printed easily and even send generated files via eMail. It also has Digital Signature , PDF Encryption and Autosave features.

12. VirtuaWin

virtuawin 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

VirtuaWin provides virtual desktops for the Windows operating system much in the same way Linux/Unix does. It is a virtual desktop manager for the Windows operating system and lets you organize application over several virtual desktops.

13. Paint.NET

paint 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

Paint.NET is a free image and photo editing software for Windows. It was originally intrdouced as an opensource alternative for Microsoft Paint. With its new powerful features it has been even compared with Adobe Photoshop , Corel Paint Shop Pro and many more.

14. FileZilla

firezilla 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

FileZilla is used for free FTP solution. It supports SFTP , allows for bandwidth speed limits and easily saves server settings.

15. RSSOwl

rssowl 15 Recommended Opensource Applications for Windows

RSSOwl is a cross-platform RSS reader which allows you to easily track updated content on multiple sites. You many try other free Desktop RSS readers for Windows.

Sumber terbuka (Inggris: open source) adalah sistem pengembangan yang tidak dikoordinasi oleh suatu individu / lembaga pusat, tetapi oleh para pelaku yang bekerja sama dengan memanfaatkan kode sumber (source-code) yang tersebar dan tersedia bebas (biasanya menggunakan fasilitas komunikasi internet). Pola pengembangan ini mengambil model ala bazaar, sehingga pola Open Source ini memiliki ciri bagi komunitasnya yaitu adanya dorongan yang bersumber dari budaya memberi, yang artinya ketika suatu komunitas menggunakan sebuah program Open Source dan telah menerima sebuah manfaat kemudian akan termotivasi untuk menimbulkan sebuah pertanyaan apa yang bisa pengguna berikan balik kepada orang banyak.
Pola Open Source lahir karena kebebasan berkarya, tanpa intervensi berpikir dan mengungkapkan apa yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan pengetahuan dan produk yang cocok. Kebebasan menjadi pertimbangan utama ketika dilepas ke publik. Komunitas yang lain mendapat kebebasan untuk belajar, mengutak-ngatik, merevisi ulang, membenarkan ataupun bahkan menyalahkan, tetapi kebebasan ini juga datang bersama dengan tanggung jawab, bukan bebas tanpa tanggung jawab.

Review : wikipedia, bloganol
Tags : open source recommended, opensource recommended, opensource pilihan, open source pilihan, daftar applikasi opensource pilihan, opensource application choice, opensource application windows choice, aplikasi opensource windows pilihan, list of opensource recommended, aplikasi-aplikasi pilihan, opensource-opensource pilihan, daftar link opensource pilihan, list alamat web opensource pilihan

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